Category: Techniques

Solving the Problem: "NLP Anchoring Doesn't Work For Me"

Thursday, July 1st, 2021 : Read 1,924 Times : 326 words (Aprox 2 min read)

One of the most common complaints I get in this field of training and practice is, "anchoring doesn't work on me."

People look at me with desperation and say, "I just can't imagine a stimulus, like a touch, creating such a strong response like that."

I say, "Really? Have you never been at the club when the song "Don't Stop Believing" comes on? How do you react? You and your friends immediately light up and being dancing, right?

What about smelling a food that takes you back to your mom's kitchen. Mmmmm.

Or seeing a show from childhood, and you feel 15 years old again, don't you?

That's right!

So what's the difference between these anchors that work "in the wild," versus the anchors we try to set and trigger in a session, or in a training room?

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