The following are the standards set forth by the IBCP Board of Certification as minimum standards required for certification.

Please note, the IBCP does not approve any certification trainings that are held in a "live virtual" style under any circumstances.

Level 1 Hypnotherapy Trainings, Level 1 Coach Trainings, Level 1 EFT Trainings, and NLP Practitioner Trainings are either to be held live, in-person with direct supervision and evaluation of students in exercises, or through online, recorded video training with verification of hours and direct supervision of the student doing exercises, either through recorded exercises with a volunteer, or live evaluation by the trainer over video chat.

NLP Master Practitioner and NLP Trainers Trainings are only to be held live, in-person with direct supervision and evaluation of students in exercises.

No form of "Zoom" trainings or any other live "virtual" training is approved for certification. Read why here.

# Practitioner of NLP, Hypnotherapy, TIME Techniques, Success/Life Coaching, EFT

  1. Duration of Training: Minimum of 120 hours of training in the basics of NLP, hypnosis and/or TIME Techniques patterns taught by a Certified Master Trainer or a Certified Trainer, with exercises under the direct supervision of a duly certified Master Trainer, a Trainer, or a Master Practitioner under the Master Trainer's or Trainer's guidance required. The three trainings and hours can run currently.
  2. Method of Training: Training is to either to be held live, in-person with direct supervision and evaluation of students in exercises, or through online, recorded video training with verification of hours and direct supervision of the student doing exercises, either through recorded exercises with a volunteer, or live evaluation by the trainer over video chat.
  3. Demonstration of ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of NLP and to utilize them competently with self and with others.
    1. Behavioral integration of the basic presuppositions of NLP, including:
    2. Outcome orientation with respect for others' models of the world and the ecology of the system
    3. Distinction between map and territory
    4. There is only feedback (cybernetic)-no failure
    5. Meaning of your communication is the response you get
    6. Adaptive intent of all behavior
    7. Everyone has the necessary resources to succeed
    8. Resistance is a signal of insufficient pacing
    9. Law of requisite variety
    10. Rapport, establishment and maintenance of
    11. Pacing and Leading (verbal and non verbal)
    12. Calibration (sensory based experience)
    13. Representational systems (predicates, and accessing cues)
    14. Meta-Model
    15. Milton-Model
    16. Elicitation of well-formed, ecological outcomes and structures of present state.
    17. Overlap and Translation
    18. Metaphor creation and delivery
    19. Frames; contrast, relevancy, As If, Backtrack
    20. Anchoring (VAK)
    21. Collapse Anchors
    22. Chain Anchors
    23. Ability to shift consciousness to external or internal, as required by the moment's task
    24. Dissociation and Association
    25. Chunking
    26. SubModlities
    27. Verbal and non-verbal elicitation of responses
    28. Accessing and building of resources
    29. Reframing
    30. Parts Integration
    31. Strategies; detection, elicitation, utilization, & installation
    32. Demonstration of behavioral flexibility
    33. Hypnosis induction (Hypnosis)
    34. Deepening techniques (Hypnosis)
    35. Direct suggestion (Hypnosis)
    36. Timeline elicitation (TIME Techniques)
    37. Discovery of root cause (TIME Techniques)
    38. Eliminating negative emotions(TIME Techniques)
    39. Eliminating limiting decisions (TIME Techniques)
    40. Changing direction of the timeline (TIME Techniques)
    41. Putting a single SMART goal into the future (TIME Techniques)

# Master Practitioner NLP, Master Hypnotherapy, Master TIME Techniques, Master Success/Life Coaching

  1. Prerequisite: Successfully passed NLP Practitioner in accordance with the above standards
  2. Duration of Training: Minimum of 120 hours of advanced training taught by a Certified Master Trainer or a Certified Trainer with exercises under the direct supervision of a duly certified Master Trainer, a Trainer, or a Master Practitioner under the Master Trainer's or Trainer's guidance required. The four trainings and hours can run currently.
  3. Method of Training: Trainings are only to be held live, in-person with direct supervision and evaluation of students in exercises. Virtual, distance learning, or home-study courses are not approved under any circumstances.
  4. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques patterns and concepts of NLP and to utilize these competently with self and with others.
    1. All practitioner level skills, singly and in combination
    2. Design individualized interventions (generative and remedial)
    3. Ecological change work
    4. Shifting easily back and forth between content and form, and experience and label.
    5. Specific Master Practitioner Skills/Techniques:
      1. Quantum Linguistics or equivalent
      2. Meta Programs, elicitation and utilization
        1. Basic
        2. Complex
      3. Criteria (Values):
        1. Identification and utilization
        2. Criteria ladder
        3. Elicitation of complex equivalence and adjustment of criteria
        4. Values adjustment and installation
      4. Spiral Dynamics values
      5. Installation and utilization of strategies
      6. Advanced use of submodalities
      7. Advanced use of Anchors (Sliding Anchors)
      8. Advanced Parts Integration
      9. Deliberate multi-level communication
      10. Negotiation
      11. Advanced communication skills
      12. Modeling with output
      13. Utilization and transformation of beliefs and advanced use of presuppositions
      14. Logical Levels of Therapy
      15. Sleight of Mouth patterns
      16. Compulsion Blowout
      17. Allergy Model
      18. Godiva Chocolate Pattern
      19. Designer Swish Patterns
      20. Family Therapy model
      21. Advanced Strategies
        1. TOTE Model
        2. Design
        3. intallation
    6. Utilization and transformation of beliefs and presuppositions
    7. Advanced ideomotor response, such as pendulum (Hypnosis)
    8. Modeling
    9. Detailed Personal History (TIME Techniques)
    10. Personal Breakthrough Session format (TIME Techniques)
    11. Emotional chains (TIME Techniques)
    12. Timeline regression (TIME Techniques)

# Trainer of NLP, Trainer of Hypnotherapy, Trainer of TIME Techniques, Trainer of Life/Success Coaching, Trainer of EFT

  1. Prerequisites: Successfully passed NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner in accordance with the above standards
  2. Duration of Training: Minimum of 120 hours of advanced training taught by a certified Master Trainer.
  3. Method of Training: Trainings are only to be held live, in-person with direct supervision and evaluation of students in exercises. Virtual, distance learning, or home-study courses are not approved under any circumstances.
  4. Satisfactory demonstration of the following behavioral competencies:
    1. Complete behavioral competence in all Practitioner and Master Practitioner level skills, ability to do any and all practitioner and master practitioner techniques simultaneously both overtly and covertly
    2. Demonstrate facility to shift between content and form (IE: between experience and labeling)
    3. Ability to demonstrate the behavior of what one is teaching and to teach what one is doing — and to label it linguistically (IE: Model Self)
    4. Demonstration of Presentation and Teaching skills:
      1. Pacing and leading
      2. Respect for audience (i.e. at least keeping separate your and others model of the world, and responding to these congruently; considering and responding ecologically to others; conscious and unconscious processes.
      3. Ability to answer questions, (including discerning the level and intent of questions and generating level-appropriate responses)
      4. Design of presentation: At the least, setting opening and closing frames, setting outcomes, chunking and sequencing of information and experience, balancing information–giving and occasions for discovery, facilitating generalization of in formation and skills across context and time
      5. Design of exercises: At the least, providing for both overt and covert learning in each exercise, including previously learned material for cumulative learning, specifying outcomes of exercises, providing a task for all involved persons insuring behavioral learning, including a future pace
      6. Explanation of exercises including the ability to explain an exercise behaviorally without the use of notes or printed aids
      7. Use of deep and shallow metaphor
      8. Utilization of multi-level feedback: ongoing re-evaluation and incorporation of overt and covert information from individuals and group
      9. Graceful intervention in groups: at the least maintaining rapport and giving specific sensory grounded feedback, via questions that directionalize appropriate search to facilitate people's discovery for themselves, demonstration, or if necessary, overtly telling them what to do
      10. "Tasking": creating of a task that presupposes that a person behave in a different way that expands his/her model of the world
      11. Ability to do demonstrations
    5. Demonstration of a personal style, and artistry (indicating that the new trainer is integrating skills into his/her own behavior)
    6. Demonstration of an understanding of the process of NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner training
    7. Ability to demonstrate and teach all certification requirements for Hypnotherapist, Practitioner of Hypnotherapy and Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy levels (Hypnosis)
    8. Demonstration of an understanding of the process of Hypnotherapy, Practitioner of Hypnotherapy and Master Hypnotherapy training. (Hypnosis)
    9. Ability to demonstrate and teach all certification requirements for Practitioner TIME Techniques and Master Practitioner TIME Techniques training. (TIME Techniques)
    10. Ability to lead groups through all TIME Techniques processes, with the exception of Emotional Chains (TIME Techniques)
    11. Demonstration of an understanding of the process of Practitioner TIME Techniques and Master Practitioner TIME Techniques training (TIME Techniques)

# Master Trainer of NLP, Master Trainer of Hypnotherapy, Master Trainer of TIME Techniques, Master Trainer of Life/Success Coaching, Master Trainer of EFT

  1. Prerequisites: Successfully passed NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, and NLP Trainer in accordance with the above standards
  2. Duration of Training: Variable, depending on the development and progress of the subject
  3. Satisfactory achieve the following, as mentored and evaluated by a duly certified Master Trainer of NLP:
    1. Complete behavioral competence in all Practitioner, Master Practitioner, and Trainer level skills, ability to do any and all practitioner and master practitioner techniques without scripts simultaneously both overtly and covertly
    2. Adequately, competently, and clearly be able to teach NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, and NLP Trainer Training content
    3. Embody all of the NLP Principles both consciously and unconsciously and use NLP in your own life (walk the talk)
    4. Read and demonstrate competency in the 12 foundational books of NLP
      1. The Structure of Magic Vol 1
      2. The Structure of Magic Vol 2
      3. Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson MD Vol 1
      4. Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson MD Vol 2
      5. Frogs into Princes
      6. NLP Vol 1
      7. Reframing
      8. Using Your Brain... For a Change
      9. Tranceformations
      10. Magic In Action
      11. Change Your Mind and Keep the Change
      12. Heart of the Mind
    5. Assist and receive hands-on training in the following trainings (post-Trainers Training)
      • Minimum one NLP Practitioner Training
      • Minimum one NLP Master Practitioner Training
      • Minimum three NLP Trainers Trainings
    6. Successfully train at minimum 100 students in NLP Practitioner (over at minimum three separate trainings) and 50 students (over at minimum two separate trainings) NLP Master Practitioner following all the standards set forth by the IBCP
    7. Create and demonstrate on original NLP technique created by the subject, either by:
    8. Modeling and creating a new pattern from the model
    9. Synthesizing NLP principles into a novel technique

# Clinical Hypnotherapist

  1. Duration of Training: A minimum of 25 hours of training in the basics of hypnosis taught by a Certified Master Trainer or a Certified Trainer. A minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision is required unless competency can be ascertained in another pre-approved way.
  2. Method of Training: Training is to either to be held live, in-person with direct supervision and evaluation of students in exercises, or through online, recorded video training with verification of hours and direct supervision of the student doing exercises, either through recorded exercises with a volunteer, or live evaluation by the trainer over video chat.
  3. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of hypnosis and to utilize them competently with self and with others.
    1. History of hypnosis
    2. Dispelling myths and educating about what hypnosis really is
    3. Proper interview techniques
    4. Hypnosis induction
    5. Deepening techniques
    6. Direct suggestion
    7. Future pacing and/or End-Result Imagery
    8. Awakening the client
    9. Post-hypnotic suggestion

# Master Hypnotherapist

  1. Duration of Training: A minimum of 120 hours of training in the methods of Hypnotherapy and/or Hypnosis-Related NLP by a Certified Master Trainer or a Certified Trainer. A minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision is required unless competency can be ascertained in another pre-approved way.
  2. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of hypnosis and to utilize them competently with self and with others.
    1. Multiple (three or more) Traditional Induction Styles
    2. The Mechanics and Application of Rapid Induction
    3. Revivification
    4. Producing Deep Trance Phenomena
      • Eye Catalepse
      • Arm Catalepsy
      • Automatic Movement
      • Hallucination
      • Full-Body Catalepsy
    5. Age and Past Life Regression
    6. Therapeutic Metaphor
    7. Direct suggestion

# Success/Life Coach

  1. Duration of Training: A minimum of 25 hours of training in the basics of coaching taught by a Certified Master Trainer or a Certified Trainer. A minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision is required unless competency can be ascertained in another pre-approved way.
  2. Method of Training: Training is to either to be held live, in-person with direct supervision and evaluation of students in exercises, or through online, recorded video training with verification of hours and direct supervision of the student doing exercises, either through recorded exercises with a volunteer, or live evaluation by the trainer over video chat.
  3. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns, and concepts of coaching and to utilize them competently with others.
    1. Proper interview techniques
    2. Directed questioning for results
    3. Giving structured feedback (Feedback sandwich or similar)
    4. Reframing or similar
    5. Motivation mechanics (toward vs away)
    6. SMART Goals or similar
    7. Future pacing

# Master Coach

  1. Duration of Training: A minimum of 120 hours of training in the methods of coaching or coaching-related NLP by a duly certified Trainer or Master Trainer, or a duly certified Master Practitioner under the supervision of a duly certified Trainer or Master Trainer. A minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision is required unless competency can be ascertained in another pre-approved way.
  2. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of coaching and to utilize them competently with self and with others.
    1. Coaching organizations
    2. Negotiation and/or mediation skills
    3. Structured thinking
    4. Structured thinking
    5. An understanding of logical levels in multiple contexts
    6. Conversational change techniques (Erickson, Quantum Linguistics, etc)

# Emotional Freedom Techniques

  1. Duration of Training: A minimum of 25 hours of training in the basics of coaching taught by a duly certified Master Trainer, or a duly certified Trainer. A minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision is required unless competency can be ascertained in another pre-approved way.
  2. Method of Training: Training is to either to be held live, in-person with direct supervision and evaluation of students in exercises, or through online, recorded video training with verification of hours and direct supervision of the student doing exercises, either through recorded exercises with a volunteer, or live evaluation by the trainer over video chat.
  3. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of EFT and to utilize them competently with others.
    1. Proper interview techniques
    2. Directed questioning for results
    3. Knowledge of and skill at tapping all tapping points (traditional and new)
    4. Identifying and targeting a problem's aspects
    5. Sensory acuity

# Reiki Level I

  1. Duration of Training: A minimum 7 hours of training in Level I of Reiki (any lineage) having an individual one-on-one attunement with practice and evaluation by a duly certified Reiki Master
  2. Method of Training: Training is to either to be held live, in-person with direct supervision and evaluation of students in exercises, or through online, recorded video training with verification of hours and direct supervision of the student doing exercises, either through recorded exercises with a volunteer, or live evaluation by the trainer over video chat. Attunement must be one-on-one, and can be done in-person, or over distance.
  3. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of Reiki Level I and to utilize them competently:
    1. The history of Reiki
    2. The Five Principles of Reiki
    3. The Gassho Meditation
    4. Reiki hand positions for self-healing
    5. (Optional) Cho Ku Rei symbol

# Reiki Level II

  1. Prerequisite: Successfully Passed Reiki Level I
  2. Duration of Training: A minimum 7 hours of training in Level II of Reiki (any lineage) with attunement, practice, and evaluation by a duly certified Reiki Master.
  3. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of Reiki Level II and to utilize them competently:
    1. Cho Ku Rei Symbol
    2. Sei He Ki Symbol
    3. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol
    4. Long-Distance and Past/Future Reiki

# Reiki Level III/Master

  1. Prerequisite: Successfully Passed Reiki Level II
  2. Duration of Training: A minimum 14 hours of training in Level III/Master of Reiki (any lineage) with practice and evaluation by a duly certified Reiki Master
  3. Method of Training: Training is to either to be held live, in-person with direct supervision and evaluation of students in exercises, or through online, recorded video training with verification of hours and direct supervision of the student doing exercises, either through recorded exercises with a volunteer, or live evaluation by the trainer over video chat.
  4. Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of Reiki Level III/Master and to utilize them competently:
    1. Dai Ko Myo Master Symbol
    2. Spiritual understand and following of Reiki Principles
    3. Passing Attunements
    4. Deep understanding of all Reiki principles sufficient enough to teach others

Our Mission

The IBCP's mission is to support our registered members and to promote the use of Success Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Hypnotherapy and TIME Techniques world-wide.

Contact Us

50 W Broadway, Ste 333 #51903
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Toll-Free (US): 1 (888) 731-8375
Direct: +1 (714) 243-8701